A Sword   10 comments


This is from My Dreams and Visions blog:

I had a dream 9/06/2014 where I saw a sword. Then I heard the following, “a sword, a sword, a sword, a sword, a sword is destined for this country.” Upon waking I could see a huge sword over the United States and it made a shadow upon the land.  Then I saw what looked like a swarm of locusts descend from the sky. Whether they actually were or not, I don’t know it is how I am describing what I saw. They descended from the sky  at the northern border of the United States and Canada, at the southern border of the United States and Mexico, the Atlantic and Pacific Shores and then I saw the land being  razed. I saw state boundary lines disappear as these creatures from the sky destroyed the country. When it was over, America the beautiful had become America the ugly. I am not sure as of this posting what the locusts represent or how they fit into the picture of war. But from photos and movies that I have seen I know that they can devastate a land.  I noticed in the dream that none of the countries that bordered the United States were harmed. Only the United States. Once again, something to take to the Lord in prayer and to ask him for mercy.

How the Lord Will Protect the Righteous When America is Attacked


Ezekiel 21: 27:  “Ezekiel 21:27: “I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.”

10 responses to “A Sword

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  1. If we keep going the way we are going with all the divisiveness etc…, ignoring the rule of law, all of it, this will happen, no doubt.

  2. kappello: Amen. The United States today reminds me of Israel during the time of King Ahab and the Prophet Elijah.

  3. Thank you, Tim, very interesting! In these dark times, we must cling to the promises of Psalm 91. GOD is our refuge and hope!

  4. White Raiment: Absolutely. Psalm 91 is the great psalm of protection.

    “No Weapon Formed Against Thee Shall Prosper”

  5. Hello Tim,
    The locusts in Revelation had power to torment but not kill. At the end of April, around 4 am, I kept hearing doors slamming. At first I thought it was my daughter getting in late, but no. I went back to sleep and suddenly sat up and said “Stubborn,obstinate nation. Stiff-necked and never listening!”

    I believe these doors slamming are on individual people who refuse to listen to the LORD. The locusts are ‘torturing’ spirits. FATHER is more than able to perform anything HE pleases. To the broken and contrite HE is near, but to the prideful very far away. All people must repent. Many remnant or wilderness people may think that doesn’t include them–there are NON righteous no not one.

    I am concerned that it is also very important that when we witness a lost person or unrepentant christian, that we may have to ‘stay out of the way’ meaning not help them! I know that sounds terrible. But I am thinking of Obadiah 1:14. Personally I am in a situation where I really, really want to help this person, but I cannot, I simply do not have the finances to help them. They are in a lot of pain. But I have yet to hear them cry out to the LORD or ask for help praying to JESUS. If this locust pain is what brings people to their knees, shall we interfere? This is going to be VERY difficult to endure. Your loved ones, close friends, neighbors etc. will endure this. Pray for yourselves and pray for these folks. To every degree and some degree, we are all in this together.

    Thanks for posting your dream!

  6. Deirdre: Thank you for your comment. This dream was from Tony Puccio (My Dreams and Visions blog).

  7. the erasure or disappearance of state lines, could that also have anything to do with states rights/constitutional things being taken away etc?

  8. My guess is that this dream is not about states rights or constitutional rights. I believe this dream is about the Lord’s judgment on sin in the United States. It will not be one state or a few states, but all the states will suffer for the wickedness in this country.

    • Hi Tim. Yeah all the country will be judged, but a thought occurred that while the judgement is coming down upon all that the state lines disappearing could be DC, instead of repenting!, using the times as excuse to take the last of state rights/constitution. Like a federal martial law applied to the states and more that’s never removed afterwards. That aftermath would be ugly in multiple ways.
      Removing state rights and constitution is already the trend.

      Was thinking the other day, the world runs on the wide road with the devil gladly, the anti-christs way’s and systems do not at all fit with liberty and freedom so the constitution definitely doesn’t fit with the path of the world and the country and will be removed, as is being removed already to make way for the world’s man.
      But we have a kingdom not of this world and a better country not made by the hands of men, rejoice!

  9. I read a prophets vision just yesterday that was basically a call for intercessors to ‘restore the wall’ of America by praying in repentance and asking God for mercy. Perhaps this is a warning and confirmation to the call.

    This morning one of my devotional apps confirmed and now I see this.

    September 16, 2014

    I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
    1 Timothy 2:1-2

    Stand Up and Be Counted
    by Kenneth Copeland

    We are commanded to pray for our country and our leaders. But having prayed, God expects us to act. The elections in the United States are vital to the future of this nation. Our country is in the midst of a spiritual outpouring, and it’s vitally important that the right people be elected. We must see to it.

    Don’t wait until election time is upon us before you start seeking God for whom to vote. Begin to pray now so that the news media and other voices from every corner cannot influence you and cannot draw you in a direction away from the Spirit of God. Pray so that you won’t be influenced by natural reactions and natural responses to cleverly designed commercials and ideas.

    Start praying now about the coming elections. Whether they are small local elections or major national elections, make them a part of every prayer you pray. Then thank the Spirit of God for His wisdom concerning your vote. Thank Him for giving you His wisdom about what to say and when to say it to others. Thank Him for giving you wisdom to declare the Name of Jesus and declare that this shall be a God indwelt, God-ordained, God-overseen administration.

    So register. Pray. Vote. Then stand up and be counted by the power of the living God

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