Archive for the ‘High Plains Drifter’ Tag

A Library and a Restaurant   Leave a comment


Dreams from the LORD 2011-2015
10 March 2015

Last night I had a dream where I was at this public library in Mason City, Iowa.  I met this young man at the library; his last name was Shey.  I told him that my last name was Shey, also (we may have been related).  I told him that my book, High Plains Drifter, was in that library.  I pointed out my book to him:  High Plains Drifter was put prominently on top of this shelf where everybody could see it.  There was even a colored, fold-out poster advertising my book.  The young man was happy to see my book.

The next scene:  I was in this restaurant.  I noticed a relative of mine walk through the restaurant.  He didn’t see me.  A while later, I walked up to this relative and we shook hands.  We made some small talk.  He told me that there were other relatives of mine in that same restaurant.


Posted March 10, 2015 by Tim Shey in Uncategorized

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It’s a Small World   8 comments


Ainsworth, Nebraska

Hitchhiking on U.S. 20 in Nebraska.

[25 February 2010]

Yesterday I was walking east on U.S. 20 between Bassett and Stuart, Nebraska when this car pulled over to give me a ride. This guy’s name was Shawn and he was going to Atkinson on an errand. We got to talking and he just got back from a mission trip to Mexico. Shawn used to be a pastor at a few churches. He recently lived in the Star Valley area of western Wyoming. He now lived in Valentine, Nebraska with his wife Theresa.

After Atkinson, we drove to Ainsworth to pick up his wife. We stayed at their friends’ place for supper and then drove west of Ainsworth to this farm to see a couple that they knew. We walked to the house and the man motioned for us to come inside. I looked at the man and he looked familiar. His name was Greg and his wife was Marla.

We talked for a while and Shawn told Greg and Marla that he had picked me up on the road earlier that day. I think Shawn then asked Greg if he had ever picked up any hitchhikers. Greg said that he and his wife picked up this hitchhiker in Idaho four or five years ago and that the hitchhiker had written a book. They dropped the hitchhiker off in Missoula, Montana.

Greg then said that the hitchhiker sent him a copy of his book. He searched for a short while and then produced the book [typescript]. It was my book! (High Plains Drifter)

It was a photocopy that this lady in Lewiston, Idaho had sent to them. She picked me up hitchhiking in the fall of 2004 and told me to give me a floppy disk of my book and that she would make some photocopies and then send it to anyone I wanted. She owned a print shop in Lewiston.

I told Greg that he probably picked me up on U.S. 12 somewhere between Kooskia and Lolo Pass, Idaho in the fall of 2004. We talked about it some more and I believe he picked me up at a gas station at Lowell or Syringa, Idaho.

We stayed at Greg and Marla’s place for an hour or so and had some excellent fellowship.

It’s a small world.

[Published by Digihitch–July 26, 2011]

A Ride in Nebraska, Blue Highways and William Least Heat-Moon

An Email from Joke and Hans Grutter   Leave a comment

This morning I received a nice email from Joke (pronounced “yoka”) and Hans Grutter:
Dear Tim,
Last week we received your book the High Plains Drifter. It was very interesting to read. I read through it in “one breath” as we call it. When I read all the places you have been, it brings up memories because we visited some of the places (cities) too.
I now also know why your email address  is “sawman”.
We hope and pray that you are doing fine and that the Holy Spirit keeps sending you where HE wants you to go and that you may be a blessing to the people you meet.
We are doing fine, and if we ever do a trip again like this year, we will inform you where we will be travelling so maybe we can meet somewhere along that trip.
We will pray for you.

Love and greetings,

Joke & Hans Grutter, The Netherlands
Getting a Ride with Hans and Joke Grutter
A Book Review for High Plains Drifter
Hitchhiking in Nebraska


Escape from a Possible Robbery   Leave a comment


Dreams from the LORD 2011-2014
8 February 2014

Last night I had a dream where I was at a relative’s place.  I talked with my cousin and I told him that I had to take a bus to Denver.

I took a bus to Denver and I had a large stack of manuscripts with me—it looked like there were 20 or 30 manuscripts.  I got off the bus and walked to this photocopy store and sold my manuscripts for a lot of money.  The guy at the cash register paid me in cash and I put the money in a small backpack.

As I attempted to walk out of the store, these two guys bumped into me and walked quickly outside.  I knew something was wrong:  they wanted to steal my money.

So I walked back to the cash register and asked if I could phone a taxi.  I didn’t want to walk back to the bus station with all of this money.  The two guys walked back into the store and crawled up to my backpack (it was sitting on the floor next to my feet):  they were staring at the backpack.

Then I noticed someone I used to work with years ago at Pike Construction in Ames, Iowa.  He was leaving the store.  I asked him if I could get a ride.  He said it wasn’t company policy for him to give someone a ride in the truck (he was driving a dump truck).  So I asked him if I could ride in the back of the truck.  He said that that would be all right.  So as the truck pulled away from the store, I climbed in the back of the truck and escaped a possible robbery.

My interpretation of the dream:

In the dream, I noticed that I didn’t hitchhike to Denver—I took a bus.  Maybe my hitchhiking days are coming to an end.

The photocopy store represents a publishing company.  The stack of manuscripts being sold for a lot of money means that my books will sell a lot of copies (or one of my books will sell well).

The photocopy store was in Denver, Colorado.  Maybe this means my books will sell well in the Rocky Mountain states or in the western United States.  I have done most of my hitchhiking west of the Missouri River.

The two guys who try to rob me is the devil.  The devil is always trying to steal, kill and destroy the works of God.  The Lord told me to write my two books (High Plains Drifter and The First Time I Rode a Freight Train).  My two books are a God-work:  it was not my will to write those books.

A former co-worker from Pike Construction helps me escape a possible robbery.  I think this is very interesting, because the last time I worked at Pike Construction was in February of 2001.  I have not kept in contact  with anyone from Pike Construction since I left.  Out of the blue, someone from my past helps me evade an ambush from the devil.

Interesting little detail:  the dump truck that I escaped in looked like the dump truck I used to drive for Pike Construction.

Big Sky to Four Corners, Montana   6 comments

big sky

Big Sky, Montana

Yesterday I was standing on the side of the road in Big Sky, Montana when this car pulled over.  I got in the car and we headed north towards Bozeman.

The guy’s name was James.  As we talked, James looked at me and said, “Hey, you’re Tim Shey.  You wrote High Plains Drifter.  I picked you up earlier this year.”

I said, “Yeah, I recognize you.  You gave me a ride from Darby, Montana to the pass on the Idaho-Montana line.  I slept at that ski area that night.”

“I bought your book.”

“Let’s stop at your place and I can sign my book for you.”

So we drove to his trailer home at Four Corners.  James lived there with his girlfriend, his cousin and his dog.  He let me sleep on the couch.  I was grateful because it got down to around 8 degrees F last night.  It should warm up to 30 degrees F later today.  God willing, I will be heading west on I-90.

Posted November 22, 2013 by Tim Shey in Uncategorized

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Passing Through Belgrade, Montana   2 comments


22 August 2013

Yesterday I hitchhiked from Idaho Falls, Idaho through West Yellowstone and Big Sky to Belgrade, Montana.  I got a ride from Four Corners to Belgrade with a guy named Nate.  He was going to a Bible study.  We had a good talk about the things of God, he bought me a Quarter Pounder Meal at McDonald’s and he dropped me off at the library.

After the library, I walked to Mike’s place.  I hadn’t seen Mike since around 2009.  I guess I caught him at the right time because he was going to North Dakota and Kansas in a couple of days to see some relatives.  Mike has a lot of books in his house and I noticed a few books by Watchman Nee that I wanted to take a look at, but I was too tired.  I slept on the couch last night and got a good night’s sleep.

This morning I went back to the library in Belgrade, got on the Internet and checked my two blogs and email.  Just before I left the library, I looked up my book High Plains Drifter on the card catalog.  I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Belgrade library had purchased a copy of my book.  Two or three years ago, I had mentioned my book to somebody at the Belgrade library, but I didn’t know that they had bought a copy.

After I left the library, I walked to the supermarket and bought a loaf of bread.  I walked to I-90 and began walking west down the interstate.

I had walked around three miles when someone pulled over to give me a ride.  His name was Daniel and he gave me a ride to Butte.

Daniel was a Christian and he told me that he had heard about me and my book High Plains Drifter.  He said that about a week ago, he was at someone’s house at Hebgen Lake and they were talking about this guy who hitchhiked and had written a book called High Plains Drifter.  I was a bit surprised to hear that because High Plains Drifter has not sold many copies, but the book has been at the West Yellowstone library for at least a few years now.  Hebgen Lake is between West Yellowstone and Big Sky.

Daniel and I had a good talk about the things of God and he also gave me some of his lunch.  I told Daniel that my book High Plains Drifter was now in four libraries in Montana (Forsyth, Columbus, West Yellowstone and Belgrade).  If the Lord has seen fit to find a home for my book in four libraries in Montana, maybe the Lord will give me a home in Montana someday.

Daniel dropped me off in Butte, gave me some money for the road and I headed west on I-90.  I was very grateful for what had transpired that day in Belgrade, Montana.


A Letter from Israel   5 comments


A few weeks ago, I hitchhiked from California to Wyoming.  I stayed with some friends in Wyoming for a few days.  They had some letters in a box that they were keeping for me.  I took these letters with me as I hitchhiked back west.

One of the letters was from Gideon Elazar from Tsfat*, Israel near the Sea of Galilee; Gideon gave me a ride while I was hitchhiking west out of Helena, Montana back in August 2004:


Dear Tim.

I wanted to let you know that I received the disc with the book you wrote [High Plains Drifter:  A Hitchhiking Journey Across America].  I read it all and enjoyed it very much.  It was a view of America that I had not seen before.  As I told you when we met, I too have done some hitchhiking in Israel and in Europe and I knew what it’s like to live on people’s kindness and on God’s grace.  I think many people have a perception of the U.S. as a place full of dangerous people and would be surprised to hear about all the really good people you met.

I hope you are well, but I’m not worried because I know you’re being taken care of.

Be well and God bless,


*also known as Safed or Zefat

Search for Jews of Kaifeng
Being Jewish in China
Being Jewish in China (video)
Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel
China is reversing the Decline and Fall of Christianity
Jewish Life After Death
Ancient Chinese Community Celebrates Its Jewish Roots, and Passover
Only Israel
Someone by Roni Dalumi
The supernatural protection of Israel
The Khazar Myth Debunked – Latter Days Ministry
Gideon Elazar – Ben Gurion University of the Negev

War in Gaza illustrates that knowledge and morality are not even distant cousins

The White House and a Manuscript   1 comment


Last night I had a dream where I was at a friend’s place.  I was in the kitchen looking for some tea.  While I was looking for some tea, I found these letters and packages on the counter—they were addressed to me.

I remember that one of the letters was from Kansas and one of the packages was from the White House—it had “White House” written in bold letters at the top of the package.  The few packages that I saw had my manuscript High Plains Drifter: A Hitchhiking Journey Across America in them.  I thought they were rejections from publishers.

I asked my friend about all of this mail.  He said that he found them locked in a cupboard in the kitchen.  The mail looked old—like they had been postmarked several years ago.

If this dream is from the Lord, then I believe that the package from the White House is significant.  That package had my manuscript High Plains Drifter in it.

The letter from Kansas.  My home base used to be St. John, Kansas back in 2001-2002.  I have a lot of good memories of St. John.  Whenever I hitchhiked into St. John, it felt like I was coming home.  The last time I hitchhiked through St. John was in 2008, but all the people that I knew had moved away.

The fact that these letters and packages were locked in the cupboard for a number of years is very interesting.  This reminds me of a Scripture about something being sealed until the time of the end:  Daniel 12: 9:   “And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.”

The unsealing of these letters and packages could mean that I am coming into a new phase of my life of obedience to the Lord.

Maybe I will hitchhike no more forever.


My manuscript before it was published

Book Review:  High Plains Drifter

Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel   14 comments

Jacob wrestling with the angel

Jacob wrestling with the angel

High Plains Drifter:  A Hitchhiking Journey Across America
By Tim Shey

Excerpt from Chapter Seven:

Sometime in July 1998, the Lord wanted me to take a bus to San Luis Obispo, California.  Of course, it seemed to make not a whole lot of sense, so I said, why not?  I took the bus from Ames [Iowa] and went through Denver then LA and ended up in San Luis Obispo.  I slept in a motel the first night.  The second night I slept on a hillside just outside the city.  I was in a Burger King and the presence of God came down on me heavily and I believe the Lord was telling me to go to Santa Fe.  So I got a bus ticket to Santa Fe.

I touched down in Santa Fe in the evening and walked to a motel room and I was not a happy camper.  I have wrestled with the Lord before and I was really wrestling with Him now.  I just couldn’t understand why I had to take a bus here and take a bus there, hitchhike here and hitchhike there.  Later, I calmed down and realized that God’s thoughts are higher than my thoughts and that I have shared my faith with lots of people on the road.  So I might as well shut up and put up.  I am here to take orders.  The Lord tells me to jump and I ask how high.

I started hitchhiking north out of Santa Fe on the road to Taos.  I got a few rides to Dixon and stopped by to see Mike and Pat Johnson who owned La Chirapada Winery.  I met them back in 1984.  Nobody was home, so I continued north.

This guy picked me up north of Dixon and drove me north of Taos.  When he dropped me off, he shook my hand and said that his name was Israel and that he was Jewish.  He drove off and I stood there semi-stunned:  that is the first time I have ever heard someone called Israel (except Jacob in the Old Testament, of course).

I walked up the highway for a mile and this older guy picked me up.  He drove to his house just north of Questa and I said I would keep on hitchhiking.  I stood there for an hour and then it started to rain cats and dogs.  The guy ran out of his house and told me to get inside because of the rain.  We sat down and watched some TV.  We watched some Spanish TV and then a Christian station.  He told me his wife and daughter were gone and that I could sleep on the couch if I wanted.  The church he attended was just up the road and I was free to come along.

We went to church the next morning—it was a small Pentecostal church.  The text that the preacher used was from Genesis 32: 28:  “And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel:  for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men and hast prevailed.”  My jaw just about hit the floor.  Is God’s timing perfect or what?  Israel.  Jacob.  Israel.  Lord, what are you trying to tell me?  Remember the guy yesterday whose name was Israel?  Later I looked up the name Israel in Harper’s Bible Dictionary and it said, “Israel:  May God strive, contend or rule.”

After the service, I got a ride into southern Colorado and, later, into southwest Kansas.  This Christian family picked me up outside Garden City and took me to Cimarron where they let me stay for supper.  The husband drove me to Dodge City and we had a little prayer before I got out.  I stayed in a motel that night.

The next day I walked out of Dodge five miles and this truck driver picked me up and drove me all the way to Hutchinson.  He was a Vietnam vet and had married and divorced twice.  He said something interesting:  he said that if Jesus ever came back, he would hitchhike all over the place just to take a look around before our Father let Him be the King of kings.  I thought that was pretty unique.  You never know who some of these hitchhikers were; they could be angels—or ex-sawmen.


[Genesis 32: 24-30:  “And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.  And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.  And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.  And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.  And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.  And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.  And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.”

Hosea 12: 3-5:  “He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and by his strength he had power with God:  Yea, he had power over the angel, and prevailed: he wept, and made supplication unto him: he found him in Bethel, and there he spake with us;  Even the LORD God of hosts; the LORD is his memorial.”]

High Plains Drifter:  A Hitchhiking Journey Across America
Clint Eastwood’s film High Plains Drifter (1973)
He Walks With a Limp (Jacob)
A Dream about General George S. Patton
The Struggle and the Crown

The Man Christ Jesus

An American Pilgrim: Some Reflections on High Plains Drifter   4 comments

High Plains Drifter

[16 May 2011]

In the past few weeks, I have been thinking about my book High Plains Drifter: A Hitchhiking Journey Across America. I know that it was God’s will for me to write this book. It was God’s will that High Plains Drifter was published, even though it was published by a self publishing company. It will be interesting to see how the Lord uses this book and how it will influence the people who have read it.

At one time in my life, reading the classics in literature was a passion. High Plains Drifter is not literary, so I have wondered why the Lord wanted it published. But I shouldn’t be judging my book through a literary lens. The New York Times Book Review may not think highly of my book, but the Lord may think it an inspiring, worthwhile testimony. There are some literary classics that really have no value in the Judaeo-Christian world view. The reprobate mind is not the mind of Christ; worldliness is not to be found in the Kingdom of Heaven; blindness is the opposite of prophetic vision.

Then the Lord gave me this Scripture: “the Lord chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.” I really believe this verse describes High Plains Drifter best. This book is not meant to entertain; it is not a how-to book on hitchhiking. It is a book to draw people onto the narrow path of obedience to the Lord. High Plains Drifter would not be considered dense writing (i.e., lots of details, much time spent working on the text). Watchman Nee’s classic The Spiritual Man and Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov would be considered dense writing.

I wrote the book very fast: 200 pages in 10 days were written in longhand back in January/February of 2000. I really didn’t want to write High Plains Drifter—I wrote it in spite of myself. Back in 1999, I was on the road for probably eight months. During that time, people kept telling me that I should write a book about my hitchhiking travels. I kept telling them, no, I didn’t want to write a book. Finally, in January of 2000, I was hitchhiking in Texas and I ducked into this convenience store to get something to eat. I talked with this young lady who was working the cash register. She could see that I was hitchhiking, so she told me that she wanted to read my book someday. She was speaking words of faith; I believe the Lord was using her.

High Plains Drifter is autobiographical; it is about hitchhiking, the people I meet on the road and my Christian faith. It is a fast read (120 pages). But mostly, I believe that High Plains Drifter is not unlike the jawbone of an ass: it doesn’t look like much at first glance, but it will help destroy satanic strongholds in the long run. I know that Satan hates High Plains Drifter. A couple of nights before it was accepted for publication (August 2008), I was attacked by a demon while I was sleeping in my tent. The attack was so real and so painful that I thought my ribcage was broken. Later, in December 2008, I was attacked by a demon the week it was published. Somehow High Plains Drifter is a threat to Satan’s kingdom; it is symbolic of the intercessory work that I do for the Lord. If the Lord is in a work, it will grow stronger and become more influential over time.

Time is nothing; the timelessness of the Gospel is everything. Some people are drifters, some people read about drifters and some people don’t care for drifters. Inspiration sometimes comes from the quiet lives of wandering, broken vessels. It is the narrow road that leads to God. American highways were meant for pilgrims.


Dreams from the LORD 2003-2006
7 March 2005

I have also been burning my High Plains Drifter: A Hitchhiking Journey Across America and Dreams from the Lord and Journal onto these mini-CDs (210 MB). When I am hitchhiking around the country, somebody invariably says something like: “Hey, Tim, you should write a book about your travels.” So if they have access to a computer, I can give them a copy of my book on a CD. The typescript of High Plains Drifter (160 pages) weighed about one pound, so it is nice not to carry any extra weight in my backpack.

2 August 2006

About a week ago, I hitchhiked from Jackson through Salmon, Idaho to just south of Darby, Montana where I slept in a barn. Walking out of Tetonia, Idaho, this guy picked me up–he had picked me up before in 2001 or 2002. I had given him my typescript High Plains Drifter when he first picked me up and he said he really enjoyed it. He gave it to his wife and she liked it, also. So when he dropped me off near Sugar City, I gave him a copy of my CD so he could read my other book.

Dreams from the LORD 2007-2010
16 August 2007

A few nights ago, I had a dream where I saw this man sitting alone in a church pew. He told me that he didn’t like my book High Plains Drifter. After he said that, I couldn’t hear him anymore. He talked and talked, but I couldn’t hear him; it looked like he was talking to himself or talking into the air. There was no one else in the church. He seemed very agitated.

I believe I know the meaning of this dream. The man sitting in the church pew either did not like my book, High Plains Drifter, or he did not like my life of obedience to the Lord, i.e. hitchhiking all over the United States, living a life of intercessory prayer, being a prophet and living on the fringes of society (this is what High Plains Drifter represents). The man sitting in the church pew represents church people in general. Some church people don’t like my work of obeying the Lord and taking out satanic strongholds [or else they don’t understand; sometimes people fear or hate that which they don’t understand].

12 August 2008

Last night I had a dream where I was in this office. There was this bookcase and there were files and books in the bookcase. As I was leaving the office, I noticed my two books, High Plains Drifter and Dreams from the Lord, in the bookcase. I pulled Dreams from the Lord out from some files, looked at it briefly and then sandwiched it back between some files. For some reason, I believe that office had something to do with a public relations firm.

1 August 2009

Last night I had a dream where I saw President Ronald Reagan. He was playing a guitar and looked very old. It looked like he had been out of the White House for several years. President Reagan was surrounded by many people—they looked like reporters.

President Reagan saw me, smiled at me and walked over to where I was standing. We spoke for a short while.

Then this woman walked up to me; she looked like a reporter. We talked for a while. I told her that I had a book published. She said that she had heard of it and told me the title of a book. It was the wrong title. I told her my book was High Plains Drifter. I found a piece of paper, folded it in two and began writing High Plains Drifter: A Hitchhiking Journey Across America. I was writing with an old-fashioned fountain pen—the ink dripped onto the paper in a couple of places. I was almost finished writing the title of my book when the dream ended.

A Book Review for High Plains Drifter