Barack Obama and Africa   12 comments


Dreams from the LORD 2007-2010
27 November 2008

Last night I had a dream about Barack Obama. In the dream, I was reading an article in a newspaper. In the article, it said that Barack Obama had taken some United Nations money that was supposed to be used for a certain African nation and used it instead for his own purposes. During the dream, I saw a map of Africa–probably central Africa–and I saw this line drawn from one nation that went north to a neutral nation–maybe this was a highway. I am not sure what “neutral” means. The neutral nation was colored white–the rest of the map of Africa was a dark color–maybe a lighter shade of black. In the lower right-hand corner of the newspaper article were six thumbnail photos of Barack Obama. The photos definitely looked like Barack Obama except for one thing–his skin color was much blacker in the photos than in real life. In the photos, Barack Obama looked more like an African black man than an American black man.

Brian’s Dream about the United States and Africa
King Ahab, King Jehoiakim and Barack Obama
Barack Obama and the Media
Vladimir Putin on Barack Obama
Dead in the Water
Obama is Fallen, is Fallen

Presidential seal falls off podium as Obama speaks

Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech to the Muslim world

Tomi Arayomi – Dream about Barack Obama

Barry Wunsch – Vision of Deep State – Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton (29:00 – 40:00)

Former US President Obama to relocate to Kenya in June

Obama BANNED from Russia after release of Durham Report


Posted October 30, 2016 by Tim Shey in Uncategorized

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12 responses to “Barack Obama and Africa

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  1. Pingback: Brian’s Dream about the United States and Africa | The Road

  2. Pingback: Barack Obama and the Media | The Road

  3. Pingback: King Ahab, King Jehoiakim and Barack Obama | The Road

  4. 21 April 2012

    Last night I had a dream where I was talking with Barack Obama. We talked for quite some time. Then I felt something plop down on my head. I shook my head real hard and then this little snake fell onto my pillow. It looked like a baby rattlesnake and its mouth was open wide ready to bite me, its body was coiled ready to strike at me. Then I awoke from the dream.

    I believe this means that the baby rattlesnake was Barack Obama.

    Notice the snake is a baby snake–it is not a big snake. I believe the big snake that runs Obama’s administration is George Soros; Obama is merely a puppet of his Marxist/Muslim overlords.

    This dream is also the opposite of that Messianic prophecy in the Book of Genesis where it is written that the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent’s head (Genesis 3:15: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel”).

    In this dream, the serpent lands on my head and then I shake it off of my head–I was never bit or harmed. Even though I was talking with a snake, I was not bit by the snake. Thank you, Lord, for your protection.

  5. 22 May 2020

    Last night I had a dream about Barack Obama. It was a long dream. We were both in the same house. He was acting very strange. The Lord showed me that Obama was very wicked. Obama tried to talk to me, but I avoided him like the plague. Then Obama became afraid of me. This other guy showed up in the room and told me that Obama knew my name.

  6. Illegitimate President

  7. Pingback: Be Known by Hell | The Road

  8. Obama Dream – Denver Airport Parallels – 2020

  9. Pingback: Barry Wunsch – Vision of Deep State – Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton | The Road

  10. Tomi Arayomi on Barack Obama

  11. Barry and NWO

    Here is the complete section of President Obama’s words to the gathered group in Brussels that contains the comments I’ve referred to:

    “We meet here at a moment of testing for Europe and the United States. And for the international order that we have worked for generations to build.
    Throughout human history, societies have grappled with fundamental questions of how to organize themselves.
    The proper relationship between the individual and the state.
    The best means to resolve inevitable conflicts between states.
    And it was here in Europe through centuries of struggle, through war and enlightenment, repression and revolution that a particular set of ideals began to emerge.
    The belief that, through conscience and free will each of us has the right to live as we choose.
    The belief that power is derived from the consent of government and that laws and institutions should be established that protect that understanding.
    And those ideas eventually inspired a band of colonialists across an ocean and they wrote them into the founding documents that still guide America today.
    Including the simple truth that all men and women are created equal.
    But those ideals have also been tested here in Europe and around the world.
    Those ideals have often been threatened by an older, more traditional view of power.
    This alternative vision argues that ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs.
    That order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign.”

    Did You Know You’re Too “Small-Minded” to Govern Your Own Affairs?

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