2011 Fukushima, Japan Earthquake   8 comments


Fukushima Earthquake

Japan Earthquake–11 March 2011

The Holy Ghost was burning me up on the evening of 10 March 2011.  The next morning, I saw on the morning news that Japan was hit by an 8.9 earthquake (later upgraded to a 9.1).

Is the Japan Earthquake in Bible Prophecy?
Henry Gruver in Japan, 2012 (Henry Gruver rebuking the radiation is between the 9 & 11-minute mark in the video)
The Refining Fire


I am not sure how to explain this phenomenon of myself burning up in the Holy Ghost preceding a disaster (and I do experience the Holy Ghost Fire DURING a disaster).  I know it has something to do with the Lord’s judgment on sin.  You could call it strategic intercession (not unlike strategic bombing during a time of war) or strategic destruction of a satanic stronghold.

When the Lord glorifies my body (actually it is the spirit in my body that becomes glorified), it must act as a lens that the Holy Ghost flows through (like a lens in a laser beam or a laser weapon)—maybe you could call it concentrated Light (Uncreated Light).  I am not exactly sure how a laser works, but a laser beam is definitely concentrated light.

I do know, in my spirit, that the Lord is using me in strategic intercession to take out satanic strongholds (principalities and powers of darkness—high level demons)—like Islamo-Fascist radicals—people who hate the United States and Israel.  The tension is still there between the descendants of Isaac (Judaeo-Christianity) and the descendants of Ishmael (Islamic slavery).  Light versus Darkness.

So the big question:   will the Lord give me a premonition, a warning when the Las Vegas Earthquake will happen (like a few days before it happens)?  Or will the Lord burn me up in the Holy Ghost before and during the disaster?  It doesn’t matter:  God’s will be done.

It is a great honor that the Lord is using me to protect aspects of the United States, but the Lord is also using me to destroy satanic strongholds in this country (judgment on sin).  Too many people in the United States are promoting the sins of abortion, homosexuality, enviro-paganism (creation worship, instead of Creator worship—as explained in Romans Chapter 1) and other sins.  There WILL be more destruction and loss of lives on American soil in the near future.

I Kings 18: 36-38
Jeremiah 5: 3


Dreams from the LORD 2011
5 May 2011

I think it is interesting that when that massive tornado went through the southeastern United States last week, I was really burning up in the Holy Ghost.  Of course, I didn’t know what was going on at the time.  After the tornado did its damage, then the Holy Ghost Fire wasn’t burning me up any more.

I also call this spiritual burning Rapture, the Presence of God or I might say, “The Holy Ghost fell on me” (II Kings 1: 9 & 10).


Dreams from the LORD 2011
17 May 2011

Last night I had a dream and in the dream I saw a tornado or maybe several tornadoes go through a field or a pasture.

A tornado means destruction or upheaval.  I remember I was spending some time with a man and woman and their family in St. John, Kansas back in 2002.  One night that man had a dream where he saw a tornado go through their house.  A few years later, that couple was divorced.

So if I saw a tornado in my dream, this might mean that there will be upheaval in the United States.  It probably means more judgment is coming to this country—and it might not come through a tornado.  Destruction might come through an earthquake.

2011 Earthquakes Visualized
Spirit of Sorrow
Japan Shaken
Jackson, Wyoming Fire, 2012
Solomon Islands Earthquake
2015 Hindu Kush Earthquake
The Lord is Shaking the Nations
Las Vegas Earthquake Imminent?
Kim Clement’s Prophecy of Japan Earthquake, 2006
Hugo Chavez Curses Israel
Quakes, Japan and Israel
2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

Japan Tsunami 3-11-2011

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