A Civil War Reunion   3 comments


American Civil War Veterans

Last night I had a dream where I was at this American Civil War reunion.  There were around 20 elderly men there.  We all had white hair and wore old, tattered uniforms.  One of the battles that we had fought in was the Battle of Chickimauga.

During the reunion, I fell to my knees and began weeping.  I said something, but I don’t remember what I said.  Maybe I was crying out to God.  I remember I had white hair, I was somewhat frail and I was wearing an old Union uniform and cap.

There was more to the dream, but it is gone from me now.

If this dream is from the Lord, I believe it means that the United States has been in a state of spiritual/cultural war for many years.  This war probably began when they took prayer and the Bible out of public schools back in 1963.

Now public school children are brainwashed to believe in the religion of evolution/enviro-paganism, the religion of homosexuality and every other religion except Christianity.  Joseph Goebbels and Josef Stalin would be mighty proud of America’s public school/brainwash/misinformation system.

The fact that I was an old man in the dream means that I had lived to survive this civil war.  There were only 20 men at the reunion, so not many people survived the war.

Or maybe this means that I feel like an old man.  I don’t know how many times I have said that anytime the Lord wants to kill my body, that’s just fine with me.  52 years on this planet with all of the lukewarm, evangelical Christians in this country is a very, very, long, long time.  I said the same thing when I was 25 years old.

Which reminds me:  back when I was 22 years old, this psychologist told me that I was suffering from a depression like that of a 40-year-old (mid-life crisis?).  Later that summer, I asked Christ into my life.

Posted February 21, 2013 by Tim Shey in Uncategorized

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3 responses to “A Civil War Reunion

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  1. I don’t why the Battle of Chickimauga is significant, but it is in the dream for a reason.

    “Battle of Chickimauga”

  2. The Battle of Chickamauga, fought September 19–20, 1863 <<100 years later (1963) was the very beginning of the 2nd Civil war. Now comes the bloody battle.

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