What Can’t Kill You Will Only Make You Stronger   5 comments

Life of St. Antony by St. Athanasius 04

Anthony of the Desert being attacked by demons

Dreams from the LORD 2003-2006
28 April 2005

The closest that Satan ever got to killing me was back in January 1985. At the time, I was living in Washington, D.C. and I had just been admitted to a psychiatric hospital. The doctor diagnosed me as manic-depressive—which is another way of saying that my head was infested with demons. My head was infested with demons because I turned my back on God at the age of eleven.

At the hospital, they put me on a low dosage of some anti-psychotic. Within a few hours, my brain began to shut down and that night I slept a very sound sleep (for the first time in months) until about three o’clock in the morning.

I felt this evil presence come into the room. My body became frozen, paralyzed and I could barely breathe. Then for the next hour this powerful, malevolent being was on top of me trying to electrocute me to death. It was absolute torture; it was very painful. The electric shocks were coursing through my body. It reminded me of that scene in the first Star Wars Trilogy: The Return of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader and the Emperor were at the battle station at the end of the movie. Luke refuses to turn to the dark side and join the Emperor, so the Emperor proceeds to torture/electrocute Luke to death. This is exactly what it felt like.

For the next hour, my body was being electrocuted and I was trying to say the Lord’s Prayer, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. After an hour, the electrocution stopped, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I believe the reason that Satan attacked me was that he knew that I would soon realize that my manic-depression was a spiritual problem, not a chemical problem, and that I would soon come to the conclusion that the medication they gave me was only a temporary solution. Satan could see (Satan can see some things in the future—look at his children, the psychics—they can see some things—but it is inspired by Satan and not by the Holy Ghost) that I would ultimately turn to the Lord in faith and be healed and Satan would begin to lose control over my life. Satan is the ultimate control freak.

The few years before I got saved, I was attacked quite a bit in my sleep by demons, and of course, I did not know how to fight against these attacks because I was not yet born again. After I got saved, I continued to be attacked by demons in my sleep. It wasn’t until 1986 that I began to use the Name of Jesus to keep the demons away from me. When an evil presence would come into my room (usually when I was trying to sleep), I would say, “in the Name of Jesus, be gone, Satan!” Eventually, the demon would leave. Later, I began to use the Blood of Jesus and it was much more effective. If I felt an evil presence come into my room, I would say, “Blood of Jesus!” The demon would leave in a split second. In my experience, the Blood of Jesus is more powerful than the Name of Jesus. It was the Precious Shed Blood of Jesus that defeated Satan over two thousand years ago. There is power, power, wonderworking power in the Blood of the Lamb.

A few years ago, I was hitchhiking east out of Colorado and I ended up in central Missouri at midnight. I needed a place to sleep and I found a junkyard near this gas station. I walked over to the junkyard and climbed into this junked trailer home. Immediately I could feel an evil presence in the trailer home. I jumped out of the trailer home and walked around the junkyard till I found a back seat of a car to sleep in. Before I went to sleep, I said, “I plead the Blood of Jesus over this junkyard!” I was never attacked by demons and I slept like a baby that night.

As I have grown stronger in Christ, I have been attacked less and less by demons in my sleep. The last time I got attacked in my sleep was back in February 2005. Before that it was March 2001.

What can’t kill you will only make you stronger.

I don’t like to entertain demons unawares.

The Jerry Shey Family
Obedience:  The Bondage Breaker
How To Remove Demons From Ourselves And Others
The Art of War
Antony of Egypt


Prophetic People are being Attacked?!


5 responses to “What Can’t Kill You Will Only Make You Stronger

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  1. “Satan is the ultimate control freak.” … love that line

    THE POWER OF THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB… AMEN!!! Glory to God, HE is, well, there are absolutely no words to describe Him fully! But NOTHING can take away the power of the Blood of Christ Jesus, WHAT A PRECIOUS PLAN!!!

    Loved this brother… glorious testimony, thank you

  2. Thank you, TeachX3. It is faith in the Blood of Jesus that separates the men from the boys.

  3. WOW Tim…!!!!

    Tim…. this happened to me also in the late 80’s.
    But I wasn’t away from the Lord.
    It was an attack that the Lord used to change the course of my life.

    I thank God for it to this day because, had this not happened to me, I would have NEVER left the church I was in and would have stayed and supported the Pastor and his wife until the end. They left the will of God, but I was always a seriously loyal person.

    In bad and good, I believe he uses ALL of it for the best 😉

    • I just want to make it clear that when this demonic attack happened to me back in 1985, I was definitely a Christian. A Christian cannot be possessed by a demon or demons, but can be oppressed by demons, as it was in my case.

      When I was in grade school, I had a had strong prayer life–I experienced the Presence of God from time to time–my life was very blessed. But at the age of 11, I turned my back on God and I eventually became an atheist at the age of 15. When I was 18, I began to pray to God again. When I was 22, I asked Christ into my life and it definitely changed my life.

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